Dermakraft Medical

Dermakraft Medical

Dermakraft Medical is one of our highly dedicated specialised brands, focused exclusively on restorative micropigmentation procedures for various medical and related conditions like Skin vitiligo, Cleft lip, Areola restoration for post mastectomy clients, scar camouflage etc. The procedures involved are highly specialised and demand a deep knowledge of colour theory to offer the most natural appearing outcomes for the camouflage and restorative treatments. All the restorative micropigmentation procedures offered by Dermakraft Medical are highly subsidized with due support from Dermakraft’s community service initiatives. Needless to say, medical grade restorative procedures are some of the most satisfying experiences for both the provider and the client.

Most popular Dermakraft Medical service:

Though vitiligo as such does not affect the general health of patients, it does cause an extreme psychological stress to some. Lip vitiligo, specially since its right on the face and cant be covered by clothes in daily routine, causes a major distress to the patient. Micropigmentation with a diligently blended pigment shade can successful camouflage the lip vitiligo patches to blend it with the natural lip colour and provide a long term solution.

Micropigmentation with a suitable blend of pigments can help achieve a decent camouflage by blending in the scar with surrounding normal skin. A proper medical history and attending physician’s consultation is important in proceeding ahead with any such micropigmentation procedures.

Meticulous micropigmentation can improve the appearance of a cleft lip by recreating the normal shape of cupids bow and achieving symmetry by using well matched micropigment shaded identical to the natural lip color. Any scarring left from cleft palate reconstructive surgery may also be successfully camouflaged with medical micropigmentation.

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To learn more about the best medical micropigmentation option for you and for other details, write to us at

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